Mold Movement and Temperature Analysis: How to Improve Accuracy in Compression Molding

in Top Story on 01/24/2025

Application of Mold Filling Analysis to Improve Flow Imbalance and Core Shift in Single-Cavity Hot Runner

in Customer Success on 08/07/2023

Solving Difficult Molding Problems for High-Precision Solenoid Valve with Moldex3D

in Customer Success on 07/04/2022

Improving Injection Molding Pressure Predictions Using Advanced Material Data

in Customer Success on 06/08/2022

Application of Moldex3D to Hot Runner Design to Improve Injection Molding Efficiency

in Customer Success on 03/02/2022

Reducing 18% Cooling Time with Moldex3D

in Customer Success on 02/07/2022

Optimizing the Conformal Cooling Channel Design of Injection Molded LED Lens for Decreasing Residual Stress

in Customer Success on 01/05/2022

UMass’ Design of a Plastic Bike Rear Derailleur for Metal Replacement

in Customer Success on 11/03/2021
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