Composite Molding

Release Composite Molding Potential



Moldex3D provides various realistic 3D simulation solutions for the composite molding process, such as short & long fiber injection molding, SMC/BMC/GMT/D-LFT compression molding, various RTM (Vacuum RTM, High Pressure RTM, Wet RTM) and Hybrid molding, etc.



Our Services


Fiber Orientation Prediction

  • Visualize fiber orientation, length, and distribution inside fiber-reinforced plastics.
  • Evaluate the filler effect to mechanical properties and final shrinkage
  • Optimize process conditions to enhance the part strength.
  • Support short, long, flat fiber and flake orientation simulation.

Resin Transfer Molding

  • Predict resin flow behavior through anisotropic porous media.
  • Decide appropriate fabric materials, and optimize process conditions.
  • Control resin infusion by pressure or flow rate.
  • Capture cure reaction trend during molding through viscosity and curing kinetics models.


SMC/BMC/GMT/D-LFT Compression Molding

  • Visualize dynamic melt flow advancement during compression molding process.
  • Evaluate chopped fiber orientation prediction, compression force response and anisotropic warpage result for SMC/BMC/GMT/D-LFT compression molding.
  • Predict potential molding defects, such as flashing.

Material Characterization

  • Evaluate curing kinetics under temperature variations.
  • Evaluate viscoelastic properties, chemical shrinkage and thermal expansion effect.
  • Evaluate the permeability and porosity of fabric layer.


FEA /Micromechanics Interface

  • Export fiber orientation, anisotropic mechanical property, stress and pressure simulation results to structural analysis software.
  • Validate the structural performance of products and mold sustainability.

Moldex3D Digimat-RP

  • Bridging manufacturing process and FEA analysis.
  • Predict the mechanical behaviors of reinforced plastic with nonlinear material modeling technology.
  • Define material properties and of failure criteria of reinforced plastic.
  • Support automatic reverse engineering for material modeling based on experiment data.

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