Moldex3D IC Packaging Wire Sweep

During the filling stage of Chip Encapsulation, the drag force on the wires exerted by viscous flow of EMC may cause wires to deform, and worse case it will cause wires to touch each other, resulting in the failure of encapsulation. The phenomenon is known as the wire sweep problem. Moldex3D IC Packaging module provides a convenient tool to utilize stress solvers to predict wire sweep, and the results in Moldex3D Project can be displayed directly.


  • Predicts the amount of wires deformations under the impact of drag force 
  • Indicates the original and deformed wires colored based on wire sweep index (WSI)
  • Illustrates the wires whether have intersection
  • Evaluates magnitude of drag force on the wires during the filling stage
  • Evaluates the minimum value of distance to closest wire for each wire


Wire Deformed Behavior

  • Observe the wire deformation at different scales
  • Complete wire sweep results inspection provides detailed deformation behaviors
  • Support multiple time step export

Wire crossover

  • The wires in red if they have intersection

Distance to Closest Wire

  • The distance between each deformed wire to the closet other deformed wire in the model

Support non-linear data of wire

  • There are three Stress solver, Moldex3D, ANSYS, ABAQUS, supported the non-linear wire analysis.
  • Both geometry and material model of non-linear and linear types are supported. (Moldex3D does not support material model non-linear type)

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