Predicting Fiber Breakage with Moldex3D

Moldex3D is capable of predicting fiber breakage inside the barrel and cavity at the filling stage.  The screw information can be set by the Machine mode in the Process Wizard. If the CAE mode is chosen, the screw specification will be set by default.

STEP 1. Select the Machine mode in Project Settings page, and choose the machine type.


STEP 2. Set the Screw information in Process Machine.


STEP 3. Go to Flow/Pack page and click on the Advanced… in Computation Parameter settings.


STEP 4. Under the Fiber Parameter tab, check the box labeled Consider fiber breakage calculation and click on Param… to open the breakage settings window.


STEP 5. Enter the fiber information appropriately.  Otherwise simply use the default settings.  Click Considering screw-induced fiber breakage to predict fiber breakage by screw.


To check if this function is indeed involved within the calculation, the message “Fiber breakage in Screw = on” in *.lgf file will be shown.


After setting up fiber breakage and finishing the analysis, Average Fiber Length and Screw-induced Fiber Breakage results entries will be shown in the result tree in the Project Workspace.


The following plot shows the Average Fiber Length from 8.5 to 5.6 mm reduced by the screw.


And the fiber length of initial condition (melt entrance) for calculation will be 5.6 mm instead of 8.5 mm.


Click on the entry to display the average fiber length distribution either by number average or weight average.  This result helps to examine the fiber breakage phenomena near the gate region and the fiber length distribution of the part after injection.  Note that the fiber length distribution does not affect the part mechanical properties in R13.0.

 predicting-fiber-breakage-with-moldex3d-10Average Fiber Length (by Number)
predicting-fiber-breakage-with-moldex3d-11Average Fiber Length(by Weight)

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