Webinar: Advanced Simulation Techniques for Predicting and Mitigating Stress Marks on High-Quality Product Surfaces

in Webinar on 01/18/2024
  • Date:Aug 07, 2024
  • Location: Americas
  • Time: 2:30 PM EDT

2:30 PM EDT | Wednesday, August 7, 2024 | Check Your Time

Stress marks are a common issue in the manufacturing of high-quality products with cosmetic surfaces, such as electronic devices and automotive parts. In this webinar, we propose a valve gate approach in simulations, combined with the concept of pin movement, to optimize the manufacturing process and mitigate stress marks. A 4-drop case study will be presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. We compared the results of simulations with uniform and profiled pin close speed and found that profiled pin close speed was more effective in reducing stress marks. Experiments show that the valve gate approach with controlled pin movement can significantly improve the quality of high-end products and reduce manufacturing costs. Hot runner suppliers offer this approach as an efficient and cost-effective solution for manufacturers to optimize their manufacturing processes and achieve high-quality products with cosmetic surfaces.

What Attendees Will Learn?

  • Stress Marks
  • Sequential Valve Gating
  • Benefits of Controlled Sequential Valve Gate Velocity


SF_2024_EST_Webinar_0807_Advanced Simulation Techniques for Predicting and Mitigating Stress Marks on High-Quality Product Surfaces

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