on 11/06/2018



Project Name: Overcoming Moldability Problems of a Water Injection Vacuum Cleaner Water Tank

Company: Yuuki ユウキ産業株式会社
By Kanenori Takayama


Temperature issues were found in the hot runner nozzle of a water injection vacuum cleaner water tank, therefore the material on the outside could not be properly solidified. Moldex3D was used to investigate the cause and explore possible solutions to the problem. By leveraging Moldex3D’s 3D cooling simulation technology, Yuuki was able to validate the conformal cooling design and overcome molding problem, improving the success rate by 99.7%.


  • Short shots
  • Poor appearance
  • Long cycle time


Moldex3D was used to assist the manufacturer in designing a new conformal cooling design to improve cooling efficiency. The new conformal cooling design effectively optimize the cooling time required to achieve the target temperature in a short amount of time, addressing surface defects induced by high temperature. With Moldex3D, Yuuki was able to validate the effectiveness of conformal cooling design, reduce mold cycle times, and increase the success rate by 99.7%.


  • Achieved  high quality appearance
  • Reduced cooling time by 75%
  • Reduced manufacturing costs

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