Special Prize
National Chiayi University
Applying Static Mixers in a Multi-cavity Design to Reduce Runner’s Corner Effect
In order to facilitate mass production and reduce overall costs, a multi-cavity system has been a prevalent mold design to improve production efficiency. However, a flow imbalance issue has been a commonly-found trouble experienced by many mold designers. Generally speaking, adding one more cavity, the product precision would decrease approximately by 4%.
Moldex3D analysis was utilized to precisely simulate the injection molding process of a multi-cavity system. NCU was able to observe the cutting, rotating, and mixing effects of the plastic meltafter applying static mixers in the runner design, evaluate the static mixer’s performance, and test different static mixer designs. Thus, at the end, NCU could identify the best static mixer design to further solve the flow imbalance issue of a multi-cavity system.
- According to Moldex3D analysis results, the temperature distribution and flow balance could be improved effectively after the plastic melt passed through a static mixer.
- Moldex3D particle tracer was applied to better analyze the polymer particle filling behavior inside the cavity, making it easier to compare the pros and cons of using different static mixer designs and identify the best static mixer placement arrangement in order to achieve the most optimal design.
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