Flow simulation is an instrument for designing part geometries and injection molds. The objective is to gain information about the filling pattern of the molding and process parameters like cavity pressure and melt temperature.
The University of Paderborn, or more specific the institute of polymer engineering, uses Moldex3D to examine the mold filling process, packing and warpage and to introduce the students to flow simulations and the program Moldex3D. As future plastics engineers the students use the opportunity to gain application related knowledge of mold filling and experience in simulation techniques with Moldex3D. This knowledge will also be beneficial for companies of the plastics industry.
The advantages of Moldex3D and the general process of CFD are explained during the lecture 「simulation within plastics engineering」 and practical exercises. Furthermore the program is used for thesis and research projects.
One example for the research project is the “investigation of material data sets of Wood-Plastic-Composites (WPC) as basis for a simulation with Moldex3D”. Within a research project three different sets of material data sets with different wood contents were determined and integrated into the Moldex material data base. Objective is the adjustment of the material parameters like the L/D ratio and interaction coefficient in a way that a good accordance between experimental and simulation results can be achieved.
Simpatec provides great support to the Institute of Polymer Engineering for arising questions regarding the simulations with Moldex3D.